has completed an ambitious project to equip the air quality control network of the port of Cartagena with 2 cabins, designed by our engineering department, complying with all the requirements demanded by the regulations, as well as with the client’s specifications.

The cabins, located at Muelle Príncipe Felipe and in the Escombreras expansion (where the largest bulk traffic takes place), are equipped with Thermo Fisher Scientific analytical instrumentation, considered the most reliable equipment on the market.
The assembly of all the instrumentation and auxiliary elements of the new cabins was done at the facilities of
finally proceeding to the implementation and commissioning by our technicians, in their final locations.

These measuring stations are equipped with gas analyzers for the measurement of SO2, NOx and CO as well as the complete calibration system and two Thermo particulate monitors, model TEOM. The peculiarity of these TEOM particle monitors is that, in addition to being able to simultaneously determine the PM10 and PM2.5 fractions, they directly measure particle mass, without using indirect methods such as beta radiation or laser, which means that they are considered the most accurate on the market, whose technology was born from the weighing systems of astronauts in space, developed by NASA.
In addition to the pollutant analyzers, the cabins are equipped with complete meteorological stations and specific computer and communications equipment to transmit information to the control center in real time.
has implemented its open source software AIRE in the A.P. Cartagena network, which allows the management of the data obtained from the sensors, sending it to the processing center and, in this control center, validating it, generating graphs and reports according to the guidelines established by the Regional Government, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the European Union.

In addition to the supply of these new stations, the Port Authority has entrusted dnota to carry out the maintenance of the stations in its network, as well as the data management system. Our company also performs maintenance in other ports on the Mediterranean coast, such as Tarragona, Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía.