Opacimeter REDLINE 250
This sensor is the latest in its class, allows a maximum range coverage of 250 m and is equipped with reliable optical technology that ensures good performance and long device life;
REDLINE250 measures any change in air opacity and converts it into an analog signal suitable for controlling ventilation and monitoring systems;
It consists of 2 elements: a transmitter and a receiver;
REDLINE250 is equipped with many outputs that allow the necessary signals to be transmitted remotely; A dust protection tube covers the optics to reduce dirt on the optics surface; The reliability of the opacimeter has been proven in hundreds of installations and the maintenance required is really low and economical;
Redline250 is an innovative optical-electronic device specifically designed to revolutionize modern road tunnel ventilation and improve safety systems; This advanced opacimeter has as its main function the optical monitoring of long tunnel runs, offering an effective solution to ensure safety and air quality in subway environments;
The distinguishing feature of the Redline250 is its ability to continuously monitor the level of air transparency in a tunnel run of up to 250 meters in length; Its innovative technology makes it possible to detect any variation in air transparency, which translates into an increase in air opacity; This information is quickly captured by the Red Line and converted into analog and digital output for detailed analysis;
Most impressively, Redline250 is highly scalable; It is possible to control tunnels of several kilometers in length by installing multiple Red Line devices at different locations along the tunnel; This strategic distribution ensures comprehensive monitoring of the subway environment, providing accurate real-time data;
Accurate measurement of the level of tunnel air transparency, also known as reverse opacity, is essential to optimally control the air ventilation system; In addition, these data are essential for monitoring air quality, along with other sensors that measure various environmental parameters; Thanks to Redline250, it is now possible to comfortably drive the air ventilation system and ensure a safe and healthy environment in road tunnels, providing a comprehensive solution for the effective management of subway ventilation and the safety of road users;
- long optical path: 250 m
- dual infrared beam technology
- microcontroller management
- analog and relay output
- RS232 or RS485 serial port
- low power consumption
- long life
- easy installation
- easy to use
- low-cost maintenance

- Power supply: 12 – 24 V DC
- Power consumption: 10W maximum
- Transmitter current: 15 mA (110 ma with heating resistors on);
- Receiver current: 150 mA (250 ma with heating resistors on)
- Optical path: 250 m. maximum
- Infrared double beam technology
- Measuring range: K = 0 – 15,10-3.m-1
- Accuracy: 1%
- Principio de medición: atenuación de la señal óptica (transmisiometría)
- Altura de instalación sugerida: 4 – 4,5m
- Temperature range: -25 +55°C
- Humidity range: 15-95 % RH
- Analog output signals: 0-10V 5-0V 4-20mA
- Road tunnels
- Subway tunnels
- Railway tunnels
- Fog and vapor detection
- Air quality monitoring
- Industrial pollution monitoring