Barcelona Regional, Agència de Desenvolupament Urbà
During this month of May, the Agència de Desenvolupament Urbà, of Barcelona Regional, has awarded dnota, the works for the Topobatimetric Monitoring of the beaches of Barcelona, El Prat del Llobregat, Viladecans, Gavà, Castelldefels.
dnota is one of the companies at national level that has the resources to lead this type of hydrography and topography projects, and thus be able to provide our knowledge and experience in the coastal area to our clients.
dnota is one of the companies at national level, which has its own means to lead this type of hydrography and topography projects in the marine environment. This award is very important for dnota, as it consolidates its position as one of the most solvent companies in this type of services.

dnota, a company specialized in Marine Littoral control
dnota’s Coastal Department specializes in providing technical assistance services, such as studies, tests and environmental projects in the coastal environment. The value of these services is based on the accumulated experience of its professionals who, with their participation in numerous studies and projects over two decades, allow dnota to offer its customers a wide range of products in environmental and strategic consulting, coastal mapping and geographic information, marine resources work, coastal projects and services associated with the use of the coast.
Services offered to its customers
Litoral Marino’s business area at dnota is based on the accumulated experience of its professionals who, with their participation in numerous studies and projects over two decades, allow it to offer its customers a wide range of products in environmental and strategic consulting, coastal mapping and geographic information, marine resources work, coastal projects and services associated with the use of the coast.
dnota has a wide range of services aimed at the Marine Littoral, among them are:
a) Underwater inspections: planning, development and management of tasks in coastal areas such as underwater civil engineering, control of underwater outfalls, dams, breakwaters, ports, etc., as well as underwater physiography and ships and maritime structures.
Also dnota is qualified for Monitoring and Control of Natural Communities, Organism, Sediment and Water Sampling, Power tastings and sediment cores (corers), Installation and maintenance of oceanographic instrumentation, Installation and maintenance of buoy fields, beacons and seasonal installations and Underwater archaeological survey.
Visual Inspection
dnota has a staff of professional divers and its own material means for the development of visual inspection works for the Structural Control of pipelines and other underwater structures.
Among the services we offer, we highlight the filming through the use of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The
Teledyne SeaBotix vLBV300
is a vectorized mini ROV capable of lateral movement, fully configurable makes it ideal for inspection and light intervention tasks thanks to its small size.
It successfully performs work in the open sea and at depths of up to 100m.